The catscan showed an inflammation in her bowels and stomach lining so we are currently in the ICU because they have to watch and make sure her bowels don’t rupture. They are giving her tons of antibiotics to fight this and we will only know if it’s working when 1. Her pain slows down 2. It doesn’t rupture 3. When she poops. There’s a surgical team that’s been on standby to do immediate surgery if that occurs so we are at the right place. Kids usually rupture at home and there’s so much time they have to take to get here and prepped so we will have 1 up on this shitty situation if that happens. We will be in the ICU for the foreseeable future until this is under control.
Janet Ceruolo says:
I have so many emotions – from despondent to angry – that I don’t know where to start!!
I guess I’ll leave it with I love you Morgan and I will be thinking of you every second until you get better!!
July 28, 2018 — 12:42 pm
Cara says:
Hugs and mojo your way
July 30, 2018 — 2:34 pm
Chris says:
I think endurance is the strongest super power we have with cancer Rhianna. I am so sorry that Morgan is suffering. It just sucks. Physical and emotional troughs are part of the way cancer tries to wear you down. It won’t win, but some days are just shit shows…hang in there. I wish I could lift this pain for you, your girl and your family. You will endure this, no matter how painful and angry you are. You will, she will, and your family will beat this cancer.
July 30, 2018 — 3:27 pm
Margie Prall says:
Dear Rihanna and Tommy,
Sending our prayers and love to your precious Morgan. May she be pain free and overcome all the obstacles that she is encountering. May her guardian angel protect her and give her strength. God be with you and your family. ❤️🙏🏻
July 31, 2018 — 6:52 pm