We have been admitted to the hospital today due to the discomfort and Morgan wound up with a fever once we got here so looks like we will be staying for a few days. Her fever finally broke this morning and still no eating or poop. We have doctor rounds within the hour so we should know the direction at that point.

I’m so fucking tired. You would think the Cancer would be the worst news but there are always so many complications that it’s hard to wrap my head around.

She REFuSES to take oral meds and I feel like I’m about to break her jaw every time I have to force her to take them. It takes a bit of my soul every time.

That being said, we are only a tiny bit into this journey and I keep telling myself that she should have a new fresh liver by Xmas. We just need to get there and while there are bigger and nastier complications after that process, at least I’ll know that this demon liver is out of her.

For now, Morgan is sleeping sound and I’m watching Big Brother on my IPAD. She has people surrounding her that know what they’re doing and I’m not flailing around like a fish out of water trying to maintain her health at Home.

I know we will beat this in my heart of hearts but shit…….the road to victory is the hardest thing I have ever done or imagined in my whole entire life.

Keep Praying.